Digitization of forming tools using the state-of-the-art 3D laser measurement technology
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Starting situation
Part of the Picum system is state-of-the-art laser measurement technology for referencing the machines but also for digitizing tools. The 3D-data generated in this way is used to plan the mobile and automated milling and welding processes.
Of course, there are many other uses for metrologically recorded data, such as quality assurance, reverse engineering or replication of components.
Example: For a tool set, various changes had to be made during the tryout (as always for pressing tools). At the end of this process, the tools deviate significantly from the original CAD data in many places. Current CAD models are important in order to be able to guarantee the support of the tools over their service life.
Picum System digitizes tools and tool components with the measurement technology associated with the Picum system. For example, these processes can also be carried out in parallel when the machining system is milling or welding.
In the application presented here as an example, a Picum system was already on site to perform milling and welding tasks.
Ready-for-production-tools (after tryout) were digitized with our scanner while at the same time the machining system was milling another tool. In this case, a Leica Tracker AT960 was used in combination with a Leica TSCAN. The TSCAN is a line scanner that records the 3D data. The tracker locates the position of the scanner in the room with high precision. This allows large tools to be digitized within a few hours.
If necessary, a subsequent reverse engineering can also be carried out. The scanning system picks up point clouds. From this data a surface of the tool is engineered. This interface data is provided, for example, in the stl-file-format. In addition, the tool references are recorded with very high accuracy so that measurement and CAD data can be brought together. On request, Picum MT also offers reverse engineering of the data measured. In this case, new 3D-CAD data for the tool is generated.